Purpose – Who Cares?

Purpose – Who Cares?

Lately, I have received many emails about the importance of finding purpose. LifeQuest Couples Coaching is all about helping couples discover, then make choices based upon, their unique God-given design as individuals and as a couple. I am always eager to see what...
Improvisation Using Your Gifts

Improvisation Using Your Gifts

I used to think God desired all his followers to not only march to the same Drummer but march in rigid rows, all following intricately detailed, prescribed steps.  I pictured a group of Christians to be like a regimented drum corps, executing complicated moves to...
From Foreign to Familiar

From Foreign to Familiar

When international travelers arrive in a strange destination, they experience varying degrees of culture shock. In her book, Foreign to Familiar, Sarah A. Lanier explores several aspects of cultural differences ranging from perceptions of time to concepts of...
A Woman’s Yearning For Connection

A Woman’s Yearning For Connection

Over the past couple of decades, I have listened to hundreds of couples talk about their needs and frustrations. Though there are exceptions, I have noticed this common theme spoken by over 75% of the women I taught or counseled: “I just want him to communicate with...
Attending To Your Design

Attending To Your Design

We recently had an Victory Rally following our “spring training” season for new LifeQuest couples coaches. We invited all alumni of previous groups to celebrate with us. Two of the special people we invited were Stephenie and Todd Craig, a couple very familiar with...