Frequently Asked Questions

Below are just a sample of the kinds of questions we hear from couples, and some thoughts about how LifeQuest Couple Coaching can help unlock the answers to those questions. Feel free to Contact Us if you have other questions.

FAQs from Men

Why is it important for me, as a husband, to know the characteristics God gave me and understand my purpose in life?

Once you understand the gifts God has given you and unique ways He has equipped you for Kingdom work, you will build confidence and find new power to move forward.

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like my wife respects me. How might LifeQuest Couples help?

Throughout the strength-based LifeQuest process, men and women not only begin to value the unique way God created them, but also the strengths He built into their spouses. When wives begin to realize that God has given them a husband who has great worth in His eyes, their respect automatically grows.

I really love my wife. How can LifeQuest Couples help me convey that to her?

As you learn the intricacies of the wonderful wife God has given you, you will find yourself falling in love with her true essence. Then you will learn to cherish and value her the way our Father does. God will show you ways to convey your rekindled love through your actions and words.

How might LifeQuest Couples spark up our sex life?

Often couples’ differences in personalities and motivational drivers lead to ongoing conflict that saps the relationship of vitality and joy. Once you begin applying LifeQuest Couples principles, you will find yourselves eagerly looking forward to conversations about how God is working through your signature DESIGNS. When emotional intimacy is renewed, physical intimacy is usually not far behind.

How will LifeQuest Couples make me more effective in other settings?

Once you understand the importance of knowing one’s signature DESIGN, you will naturally begin to ask questions to help those around you discover their DESIGN. This proactive, strength-based approach works with children, parents, siblings, fellow employees, neighbors, and the barista down the street. When you coach others based on what they do well, you also help them accept and buffer their weaknesses.

FAQs from Women

I wish my husband talked more about his inner thoughts and dreams. How might LifeQuest Couples encourage more communication?

The LifeQuest process gives you both something worthwhile to talk about! When husbands see that wives really want to understand and support their innate DESIGN, they will usually open up.

Sometimes it feels like we are just roommates. How might LifeQuest Couples help my husband value and cherish me more?

Through the LifeQuest process, your husband will learn more about the unique personality and gifts God has given you. As he understands how much God values and cherishes you, and the strengths others see in you, his estimation of your worth will soar.

Sometimes our relationships with our children are not all I think God desires. How might LifeQuest Couples help us become better parents?

Often parenting becomes all about giving punishments for bad behavior. If you choose to use a LifeQuest strengths-based approach with your children, you will become proactive. A strong bond forms as you help your children begin to understand their God-given gifts and personality. (This is true no matter what ages your children are.)

How might LifeQuest Couples help me figure out what healthy balance God desires between working outside the home and prioritizing my family’s needs?

Through the LifeQuest process, you will rediscover which activities make you feel most alive! Then you will have a chance to process the season you are in, and how God might want you to use your gifts and talents right now. Perhaps you will also explore small steps you can take now that will equip you for a future season of fulltime employment or ministry.

I have some specific ideas of the kind of spiritual leader God wants my husband to be. When he doesn’t measure up, I find myself being critical and feeling resentful. How might LifeQuest Couples help me remember my husband’s strengths in times when all I see are his weaknesses?

As you both participate in the LifeQuest process, you will begin to see your husband through our loving Father’s eyes. Choosing to focus more on your husband’s strengths will help him grow in self-confidence. As you let him know how much you respect him, he will develop more courage to step forward in leadership, not only at home but in every situation. And when weaknesses emerge, as they do for all of us, the Holy Spirit will help you remember all his good qualities.