Living by Design Podcast

Listen as Rod & Charlene share encouragement and wisdom about how couples can learn to flourish in their God-given designs. Rod and Charlene are co-founders of LifeQuest Couples Coaching, and have spent decades counseling, mentoring, leading small groups and developing marriage ministries.

Unleashing Purpose…Together!

Unleashing Purpose…Together!

As we started to think about our tagline, “Unleashing Purpose…Together,” we were amazed at how significant these three little words are. In this edition of Living By Design we unpack our tagline one word at a time. For example, “Unleashing” is turning loose something that has been pent up, positioned for action that has been predestined. Sweet Bobbi Sue, pictured here, is a disciplined guard dog who knows her job in life very well. Couples who finish their LifeQuest Couples Home Groups explore and begin to unleash the purposes they believe God created them to do. Even in trial and error, they engage the world with confidence knowing more specifically the purposes God had in mind for them.

A quiet confidence draws people to LifeQuest Couples, and they experience greater influence on those around them. They also find greater joy, greater impact and less stress,  because they are living out their “joyful identity,” unique to them, and purposeful for Kingdom work.

Listen in as we uncover the deeper meanings of our tagline, “Unleashing Purpose…Together.”  Hear how we experienced our own joyful identities by following God’s call to create a unique ministry to marriage, LifeQuest Couples Coaching.



Passion – A Full Body Experience

Passion – A Full Body Experience

Listen in as Charlene describes her time as a “horse crazy” young girl about age 10, and how God used that experience to prepare her for her life’s work as a counselor and ministry leader. God gave her a passion to champion hope and encourage others who volunteered in ministry and who she met privately in counseling.

Like Charlene, some of us feel that passion for God’s calling so strongly that we just have to do it. It’s like an indicator light that lets us know we are on target with what God wants to do with our lives. That indicator light can get so bright, it becomes a full body experience. It’s a visceral feeling – when God draws us to activities aligned with our unique design, it’s just hard to say “No.

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Conquering Complacency

Charlene listened to John Maxwell’s Minute recently. His word of the day got her attention. The word was “Complacency.” Charlene was brought up short by his comments and asked herself if she can get too complacent sometimes! She prides herself on being content in life and considers that a good thing. Somehow complacency is different. This podcast is a good forum to explore the topic.