LifeQuest Coaching Agreement

The Client/Coach Relationship: What to Expect

Welcome! We are excited about working together! It is important to understand the coaching relationship so that it works well for you both.

As your coaches we are committed to you and your best interests. We will give you our undivided attention, ask the hard questions and reflect back to you what we hear. We will challenge you and encourage you to explore new avenues. The people we work with are ready, willing and able to make changes. Truth telling is an essential element in the coaching relationship. Clarity is paramount. Your ideas and feelings are safe with us. No vision is too big. We are here for you.

Coaching is never to be confused with therapy. If we sense that there are problems that are preventing you from moving forward and counseling seems appropriate, we will tell you that. If a professional therapist is currently engaged, we will defer to their suggestions regarding timing of coaching.

Our strengths in helping you are in quickly getting to the heart of an issue, creative reflection, practical strategies and energizing motivation. We strive to help our clients not only achieve what they set out to do, but also increase self-awareness, growing in relationship with God and others.  

The material we use is the Your One Degree Workbook by Dave Jewitt and the LifeQuest Couples Coaching material. We are not dogmatic about the nature of each session. We allow for other conversations to arise that may be more important or timely for you as a couple. We will make requests of you. You always have the option to comply or modify ideas to make them work better for you. We will support you as a couple in deciding your best course of action. As your coaches, we will be a resource and a presence in what may be difficult conversations. Our guarantee to you is that what we say we will do.

If there is a lack of clarity over any issue, question it immediately. We will not tiptoe around issues. We will be direct, but always respectful of you and your spouse in making observations.

We encourage you to make a serious commitment to couples coaching and allow yourselves adequate time to prepare for each session.  Coaching is an investment in your marriage.

Couples Coaching Format

Sessions held bi-weekly on Skype, Zoom, Messenger or Conference Call Line at a pre-scheduled time.

  • A pre-engagement session at no cost will help all of us determine if couples coaching is right for you.
  • We allow reasonable contact by email during the term of our coaching.
  • Just in Time Coaching: Sometimes called ‘spot coaching.’ This is billed separately for specific problem-solving issues as they come up and does not include regularly scheduled calls. These calls are scheduled one at a time.
  • Face to Face: For those in the Tulsa metro area, person to person coaching is an option. Special arrangements are made for businesses and groups.

Coaching Procedures

Prior to each coaching session we ask that both members of the couple complete the pre-session homework.

Scheduled sessions will begin on time and end on time. Please allow up to 90 minutes per session.  


Standard rate for Level 1and 2:  $90.00 per session or reduced rate of $315 if pre-payment is made for all four sessions.

Level 1 Note: additional $25 materials fee for two Your One Degree Workbooks. (Some homework in workbook required before Session 1.) Also client buys/brings: 2 pocket folders, paper to take notes, 2 legal sized manila folders, 2 sets of small four-color sticky notes, and optional purchase of DISC online personality inventory (there is also a free version available).

After the initial Level 1 commitment of 4 sessions, the following options are available for you:

  • Continue with Level Two (2) for another 4 sessions.
  • Occasional Spot Coaching of one or both members of the couple. $100 per session.
  • My Coach on Call Retainer, Email and up to two 30-minute calls at $150 per month.

No future commitment beyond your initial three month engagement is required at this time.

Payment Policies

Payment is due prior to your first coaching session. As noted, you may pay either in one payment or every two weeks for your convenience. Pre-payment will allow us to focus on your coaching instead of administrative details. We accept checks or Visa/ Mastercard. The charge for coaching services will appear on your credit card statement as “LifeQuest Coaching.” Make payments at  You will receive an email receipt.

If you choose to make payment by check, please make it out to LifeQuest Couples Coaching. Allow plenty of time for the post office and posting to your account. Mail can cross the country anywhere from 2 to 12 days!

If you need to re-schedule your appointment, a 48 hour notice is required. If you have an emergency, we will work with it. Otherwise, the time has been set aside for you and will be charged. If your circumstances change and you interrupt coaching services for a time, any credit will be carried on your account so you can return when timing is better for you.

Code of Ethics

We acknowledge and agree to honor the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics re: professional conduct, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. See


Our relationship needs to be based on absolute honesty with each other. If at any time you are dissatisfied with something, please bring it up. We I will work with you to resolve any difficulties. By the same token, if you are satisfied, please let me know that, too, and pass it on!

Follow Through

It is important that you apply yourselves before, during and after our coaching sessions to be the most successful. Our work will sometimes be very purposeful, goal directed. Other times it will be broad in scope, requiring time reflecting on applications in your life. Real growth will come from the work you do between coaching sessions. Please be sure of your personal commitment to fully participate before you agree to this coaching relationship.

Please complete the following form. You will receive a pdf version of this agreement in your confirmation email. 

Coaching Agreement
Preferred Means of Contact
I confirm that I have read the above engagement agreement guide lines and agree to abide by the policies and procedures. As a coaching client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my own choices, decisions, and wellbeing during my time of coaching. No guarantees have been made as to the expected outcome of my coaching. I am aware that either my coach or I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time (30-day notice appreciated). I recognize that coaching is not psychotherapy and that professional referrals may be offered if it appears they are needed. I also give permission for my coach to submit a confidential record of my name, contact info, and documentation of my coaching hours for the express purpose of meeting requirements for credentialing by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and Christian Coaches Network (CCN) in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics.
Acknowledgement *